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Meet Chlorophyll, The Life-Force of Plants

Learn about "plant blood"— the verdant, detoxifying pigment worth taking daily

[Meet Chlorophyll, The Life-Force of Plants] Hero Image

Deep, healing nutrition celebrates a rainbow worth of vegetation, but always seems to return to one color: green.

By Hannah Shanken

Apr 15, 2021

The signature shade comes from chlorophyll, the verdant blood and life-force in plants. That is no exaggeration; the molecular makeup of chlorophyll mirrors red blood cells, save for the center atom (chlorophyll uses magnesium, while hemoglobin takes iron), reminding us how interconnected we are to nature’s ecosystem. The green pigment traps sunlight and converts carbon dioxide into oxygen and glucose, the two compounds necessary for every cell in your body. If all 37 trillion cells that compose us as humans can be supported by that green, then making it a cornerstone of your diet feels essential, yes?

There are a few methods of getting your daily quota; by consuming pure liquid chlorophyll, you amplify the oxygen supply to body tissues, clear away impurities, and naturally stimulate organs. The brain, saturated with oxygen, receives a sense of clarity with no caffeine equivalent; it cleans out cell waste and supports a strong lymphatic system. It’s jubilant, bright green energy in a bottle. The beauty of eating foods with chlorophyll is that you have the added benefit of gut-loving fiber plus a host of phytonutrients (compounds only found in plants) alongside the powerful pigment. Flooding your system—through food and supplementation—with chlorophyll is key to living in full bloom. It’s the ingredient for a body that looks as good as it feels: powerful, efficient, and thriving.

With a food-first approach—and a flexible strategy that factors in busy schedules and unpredictable access to high-quality, organic nourishment—where else can you squeeze in chlorophyll and its life-giving oxygen?

The makeup of chlorophyll mirrors red blood cells...reminding us how interconnected we are to nature's ecosystem.

Body-Balancing Grasses

Cereal grasses, like wheatgrass, barley, and oatstraw are powerful because they reduce inflammation and alkalize—or, counteract acidity within—the body. This acidity comes from a variety of places, most notably processed and non-organic foods, external toxins, and stress. Wheatgrass and barley grass contain high levels of chlorophyll, with concentrated nutrients, enzymes, and protein, all packed in their tiny blades. These two cereal grasses in particular are high in magnesium, which relaxes the digestive muscles and is critical for regularity. To get your daily fill, juice a shot of wheatgrass in the morning with a slice of orange as a chaser, or sprinkle a scoop of Protein + Greens Super Powder in a banana-choco-nut butter smoothie.

Skin-Healing Weeds

Don’t cast these off as merely garden pests. Weeds are some of the most medicinal edible plants on the planet. Many varieties can break down in water overnight, releasing their unique phytochemicals. This is fantastic for skin and hormone health, and one of the most bioavailable methods of absorbing polyphenols (a special class of antioxidants also found in wine), vitamins, and antioxidants in the body. Other varieties, like dandelion greens, chicory, purslane, and prickly lettuce, make great additions torn up in a salad. Their hit of green will oxygenate the body, while the bitter flavor activates digestive enzymes and eliminates bloat.

Flooding your system—through food and Detox Drops—with chlorophyll is key to living in full bloom.

Hormone-Loving Algae

As one of the most primitive forms of life on earth, edible algae are nothing if not resilient. Alchemize that resilience into your diet through sea vegetables. This class includes a wide variety of foods, like thyroid-nourishing nori, wakame, spirulina, and chlorella. They are a plant group that provide a potent source of DHA and EPA, two types of omega-3 fatty acids critical for cognitive function and keeping hormones juicy to stave off menopause. Algae, like blue-green spirulina, offer ample benefits from antioxidants like phycocyanin and plant sterols and have even been researched to detoxify the blood from heavy metals. Incorporate algae in your diet by putting a fork-full of sea veggies atop a macro bowl, swapping out your typical midday snack for a Detox Protein Super Bar.


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